Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) has received much attention in the past year, particularly after the FDA approved ropinirole (Requip) for treatment of moderate to severe RLS. The clinically practical definition of moderate to severe RLS is the presence of symptoms that occur nightly and are severe enough to interfere with sleep quality. Most people who seek medical treatment of RLS would be classified as having moderate to severe RLS. RLS affects about 10% of the population in the West, yet it remains largely undiagnosed.

The sensation or urge to move is usually felt deep within the legs and is always unpleasant but usually not painful. RLS symptoms typically involve both legs, although one side may predominate, or they may alternate. Terms used by patients to describe the sensations vary and are dependent on educational level. Examples include "creepy crawlies," "need to move," "tingling," "restless," "cramping," "pulling," "painful," "electric," "tension," "discomfort," and "itching."
The underlying cause of primary RLS remains unknown, but current thought implicates dopamine and faulty iron metabolism. Iron may also represent a primary factor in the development of RLS, as suggested by recent research. However, the method by which dopamine and iron interact to generate the circadian pattern in the occurrence of RLS symptoms remains unknown. Secondary causes of RLS are associated with some drugs, end-stage renal disease, fibromyalgia, iron deficiency, discontinuation of opiates, pregnancy, use of spinal anesthesia, and uremia.

Non-drug approaches for treating RLS include avoiding alcohol and caffeine within several hours of bedtime, stretching, hot or cold baths, and massage of the affected limbs.

Historically, L-dopa, a drug commonly used to treat Parkinson Disease has been the mainstay for RLS therapy. However, L-dopa is no longer the preferred drug due to its extremely short duration of action and other problems.

Clinicians are now becoming more aware of RLS, and the disorder has even captured the attention of drug manufacturers. Drugs under investigation for RLS include the dopamine agonists pramipexole and rotigotine (transdermal delivery system), and XP13512, a gabapentin prodrug. With the heightened awareness of RLS in the medical community, pharmacists will become increasingly exposed to RLS patients and should be knowledgeable about the symptoms and treatment options. This will allow them to more confidently educate and advise patients on the proper use of medications.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cutting back on sodium might help older adults maintain their cognitive function, particularly in those who aren't physically active.
In a study of more than 1200 older adults with normal cognitive function at the outset, researchers found that a high intake of sodium combined with low levels of physical activity was associated with a decline in global cognitive function over 3 years. "Importantly, this association was independent of hypertension and global diet quality," the researchers say. "The independent effect of sodium intake from other nutrient intakes, including energy and lipids, suggests that sodium intake alone may affect cognitive function in sedentary older adults above and beyond the effects of overall diet," they note.

The study is published online August 19 in the Neurobiology of Aging.

The well-established negative impact that high sodium intake has on cardiovascular health has led to the development of worldwide population salt-reduction strategies. Given the link between cardiovascular factors, such as hypertension, and brain health, Dr. Fiocco's team wanted to examine the effects of sodium intake on cognitive function.

After controlling for age, sex, education, waist circumference, diabetes, and overall diet, there was an association between sodium intake and cognitive change over time in those with low levels of physical activity. In the low physical activity group, those with low sodium intake displayed better cognitive performance over time than those with medium and high levels of sodium intake. The findings remained unchanged after additional adjustment for intakes of energy, calcium, cholesterol, and total lipids, and total Canadian Healthy Eating Index score, the researchers say.

They failed to see an association between sodium intake and cognitive health among the highly physically active adults. "One potential explanation for this finding is that the impact of physical activity outweighs the impact of sodium intake on cognitive function, making it more difficult to find an association," Dr. Fiocco said.

Dr. Fiocco and colleagues say it is important to note that people who experienced a decline in global cognitive function over the study period "displayed normal age-related decline and did not display clinically significant rates of decline."
According to previous research, a potential mechanism underlying the association between sodium intake and cognition is blood pressure levels, which are associated with white matter lesions observed in dementia patients, the investigators note.
Additional studies, the researchers say, are needed to delineate underlying mechanisms at play in the link between sodium intake and cognitive function.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A combination of brain exercises and healthy lifestyle changes can improve memory performance in healthy elderly adults, new research suggests. In a sample study of 115 participants from 2 live-in retirement communities, those who underwent a new educational program (that included memory training, physical activity, stress reduction, and better diet) showed significant improvements on a variety of measures after just 6 weeks, including word recognition and recall.

"I was very pleased with these significant results in a sample that was not huge," Gary Small, MD, professor of aging at UCLA, told Medscape Medical News. He noted that the investigators wanted to test whether this intervention improved both objective and subjective memory performance. "Subjective memory is a person's self-perception of how they're doing, and objective is how well they do on a pen-and-paper test. It was gratifying to see that this program seemed to be helping people in day-to-day memory challenges."

Karen Miller, PhD, associate clinical professor at UCLA, said in a release that "it was exciting" to see the subjects' participation, as well as their improvements in the memory fitness program. The study demonstrates that it's never too late to learn new skills to enhance one's life."

The study was published online July 14 in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

"Despite the effectiveness of memory training interventions in clinical trials, few community-based programs exist, and their effects have not been systematically tested," write the investigators.

The new memory training program uses a standardized curriculum consisting of brain exercises for association and visual imagery, education on a "healthy brain diet" and stress reduction, physical activity, and even assigned memory exercises to be performed at home. The investigators have previously offered this program in a number of settings, including the UCLA campus and senior centers. However, this is the first time it was offered in a retirement living community, which made participation easier because "users did not have to drive to a class off-site," said Dr. Small. "Our group tends to study memory training and healthy lifestyle techniques from the point of view of first developing a program that we think is user friendly and then testing it out. However, many times there's the approach where a scientific study is done first. So a program may be proven to be effective or not, but the question is: Will people use it? And will it be adaptable to a lot of communities?"

After testing, participants were randomly assigned either to undergo the memory fitness program, consisting of 12 twice-weekly, hour-long sessions (15 - 20 per class), or to be placed on a waiting list for the program and considered study controls. Objective cognitive measures during the pretesting phase, as well as at baseline and at study's end, assessed changes in immediate and in delayed verbal memory, retention of verbal information, memory recognition, and verbal fluency. Subjective measures evaluated domains of memory self-awareness, including frequency and severity of forgetting, mnemonics use, and retrospective functioning.

Results showed that the patients who underwent the memory fitness program showed significant improvements postintervention on recognition memory) and retention of verbal list learning. In addition, their retrospective functioning scores increased, "indicating a belief in having a better memory."

"These findings indicate that a 6-week healthy lifestyle program can improve both encoding and recalling of new verbal information as well as self-perception of memory ability in older adults," they write, noting that it may be generalizable to a real-world setting.
"As a community-based educational intervention, the program has the potential to meet the community's need for an affordable and sustainable memory program over time."

John Parrish, PhD, executive director of the Erickson Foundation, which oversees the retirement communities used in this study, said in a release that the foundation is now offering the program in all 16 of their communities across the country. "The study suggests that the memory fitness program may be a cost-effective means of addressing some memory-related concerns of healthy older adults," he said.

Dr. Small said that he hopes that clinicians will see from this study and others that mild, age-related memory complaints can improve with specific training. "There are a lot of ways to learn memory techniques. I think physicians should first ask people about their memory concerns and then try to refer them to get some help.It's important to empower people and teach them about healthy brain lifestyle. Although there's no absolute proof that you can prevent Alzheimer's disease, we know that physical exercise and healthy diet can prevent diabetes, which is itself a major risk factor for Alzheimer's. So it all seems to tie together."

Monday, August 29, 2011

Along with the beneficial effects of alcohol, here’s another health tidbit for you. In a presentation at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2011 Congress, British investigators reported that individuals who ate the most chocolate had a 37% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 29% lower risk of stroke compared with individuals who ate the least amount of chocolate.

In the study, published online August 29, 2011 in British Medical Journal, Dr Adriana Buitrago-Lopez and colleagues state: “Although overconsumption can have harmful effects, the existing studies generally agree on a potential beneficial association of chocolate consumption with a lower risk of cardiometabolic disorders. Our findings confirm this, and we found that higher levels of chocolate consumption might be associated with a one-third reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.”

In this meta-analysis of six cohort studies and one cross-sectional study, overall chocolate consumption was reported, with investigators not differentiating between dark, milk, or white chocolate. Chocolate in any form was included, such as chocolate bars, chocolate drinks, and chocolate snacks, such as confectionary, biscuits, desserts, and nutritional supplements. Chocolate consumption was reported differently in the trials but ranged from never to more than once per day. Most patients included in the trials were white, although one study included Hispanic and African Americans and one study included Asian patients.

Overall, the pooled meta-analysis results showed that high levels of chocolate consumption compared with the lowest levels of chocolate consumption reduced the risk of any cardiovascular disease and stroke. There was no association between chocolate consumption and the risk of heart failure, and no association on the incidence of diabetes in women.

Personally, I’m waiting for chocolate martinis to have all my bases covered.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Yippee: Light to moderate drinking seems to reduce the risk for dementia and cognitive decline, according to a new study published in the August issue of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.

A meta-analysis of 143 studies on the effects of alcohol on the brain showed that moderate drinking, defined as no more than 2 drinks a day for a man and no more than 1 drink a day for a woman, reduced the risk for Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia by 23%. Light to moderate drinking conferred a similar benefit, but heavy drinking (more than 3 - 5 drinks/day) was associated with a nonsignificantly higher risk for dementia and cognitive impairment. Most of the studies did not distinguish between the different types of alcohol, but in a few studies, wine appeared to be more beneficial than beer or spirits. "It really seemed to
A number of explanations for the protective effect of moderate alcohol have been proposed. Some dementias are related to cardiovascular system problems, such as atherosclerosis, and alcohol may be protective because it raises the level of high-density lipoprotein (the good) cholesterol and might improve blood flow in the brain.

Medscape Medical News asked Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD, the William B. and Sheila Konar professor of psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine to comment on this study. "This is a well-done meta analysis. The findings are consistent with other meta analyses that have been done. Am I tremendously surprised at the findings? No, because they are looking at the same pool of studies," Dr. Porsteinsson said. "The fact that they approach it in slightly different ways and yet find similar outcomes makes me confident that this is what the data are actually signaling to us: that very modest alcohol consumption is protective," he said.

The next step is to figure out how moderate alcohol consumption exerts its protective effect.
"Is it some direct effect of the alcohol on the brain? Are people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol different in some way, in their diet, or their level of exercise? Are low concentrations of alcohol neuroprotective? Is it through some metabolic impact?" Dr. Porsteinsson said. Also interesting was that alcohol appeared to protect against all types of dementia, he said. "This makes it less likely to have a direct effect on beta amyloid or tau (a suspected cause of Alzheimer's Disease), but more of a global effect. It is an interesting review. They made it a pleasure to read."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Two new studies support the idea that regular exercise can cut the risk for subsequent cognitive decline and dementia risk.

In the first study, researchers used data from the Women's Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study (WACS), a cohort of women with prevalent vascular disease or 3 cardiovascular risk factors.
They report a significant trend toward decreasing rates of cognitive decline with increasing energy expenditure. Compared with women in the bottom forth of total physical activity, significant differences in the rates of cognitive decline were seen for those in the fourth and the fifth quintiles.

"This was equivalent to the difference in cognitive decline observed for women who were 5 to 7 years younger," the authors noted.

Specifically, regularly walking was "strongly related" to slower rates of cognitive decline. However, significant associations were seen only with the top quartile of walking, with a minimum of 30 minutes of walking daily. However, the benefit was not limited to vigorous exercise.

In a separate report, Laura E. Middleton, PhD at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Canada, and colleagues used data from the Health, Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study to examine this same question. They looked at the relationship between exercise and incident cognitive impairment using activity energy expenditure (AEE), an objective measure. Physical activity questionnaires usually focus on moderate or vigorous activity related to exercise but don't capture other aspects of activity, such as moving around the house or even fidgeting, the authors note.

The authors report that after adjustment for baseline mental status scores and a variety of other factors, adults in the highest sex-specific third of AEE had lower odds of incident cognitive impairment than those in the lowest third.

In an interview, Dr. Middleton pointed out that there are now a number of studies that have confirmed this relationship, but the vast majority of those have used self-report of physical activity, an approach that carries inherent errors. Those with preclinical dementia may have issues with accurately recalling exercise, for example, and even those who have no such problems tend to over report how much they exercise.

The other issue with self-report is that it doesn't capture activity that is not actual exercise, such as housework, "and in older adults that type of activity makes up a fairly large portion of your total physical activity, especially in someone who doesn't do purposeful exercise." When they did this comparison using only self-report, there was still a relationship, she notes, but it was much clearer using the objective evidence of total energy expenditure.

Bottom line? Keep moving.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced yesterday that cell phone radiation can possibly cause cancer. The key word here is “possibly,” not probably. This announcement is based on an extensive review of studies on cell phone safety by a group of 31 scientists who meet regularly to evaluate the potential carcinogenic hazards from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.

Some of the strongest evidence supporting a link between brain tumors and cell phone use comes from a series of Swedish studies, led by Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, from the Department of Oncology, Orebro Medical Center. These studies showed that risk increased with the number of cumulative hours of use, higher radiated power, and length of cell phone use. The issue of cell phone safety was to have been settled once and for all by the huge 13-nation industry-funded Interphone study. But to date, the industry-funded Interphone studies found no increased risk for brain tumors from cell phone use, with only 4 exceptions. The findings contradicted the Swedish studies, which were independent of industry funding.

There is no consensus among physicians and scientists about the severity of risk, or if one even exists. One issue in attempting to evaluate the potential connection between brain tumors and cell phone use is the relatively short period of time that these devices have been heavily used in a large population and the long latency period for many tumors.

The National Cancer Institute, for example, has stated that although a consistent link has not been established between cell phone use and cancer, "scientists feel that additional research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn." In a similar fashion, the American Cancer Society points out that even though the weight of the evidence has shown no association between cell phone use and brain cancer, information on the potential health effects of very long-term use, or use in children, is simply not available.

As Dr. Nancy Schneiderman, NBC Medical Correspondent pointed out last night, cell phone use had climbed over the past decade yet the incidence of glioma (the brain tumor alleged to result from exposure) has not.

So what should cell phone users do? Well, one thing is to restrict use if you’re worried.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

In a recent Neurology article (2011;76:1395-1402) a study showed that the measurement of the thickness of several areas of the brain’s gray matter may predict who will develop and who will not Alzheimer’s disease (AD) years later and are presently cognitively normal. MRI scans were done on a series of patients, measurement made of various regions of their cortex, and followed for 10 year. 55% in the lowest third of cortical thickness developed AD dementia during follow-up. In contrast, no individual with the highest cortical thickness at baseline developed AD during follow-up.

" Richard B. Lipton, MD, of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, who was not involved in the study, said, "The most interesting finding is that persons in the highest third of cortical thickness never developed AD. If these findings are replicated, this would mean that we can identify a sizeable group of older adults and reassure them that they are very unlikely to develop AD.

"In a world where fear of AD is an enormous problem, this kind of reassurance would be valuable to older adults and their families. In addition, these individuals could be excluded from studies of preventive intervention since it is impossible to improve on such low risk," Dr. Lipton said.

"The study is limited by the small sample size, but the results are exciting because of their strength and consistency," Dr. Lipton commented. "It is worth noting," he said, "that even in those with thinnest cortices, AD did not develop for 4 years. This is likely related to the rigorous exclusion of dementia in the sample, but it suggests that if the goal is short-term prediction of risk, for prevention trials, for example, this is not the way to go," he said.
Dr. Lipton also noted that cortical thickness could be a lifelong marker of brain reserve, a factor that protects against AD.

"Alternatively, cortical thinning could be a manifestation of unfolding disease, which could produce neuronal loss as illness develops, well before it becomes diagnosable," he said. "These 2 factors could each separately contribute to the findings."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cell phones and brain tumors? There has been a great deal of debate in past years about a possible link between cell phone radiation and the development of brain tumors, or more specifically, acoustic neuromas – small tumors that develop on the nerve between the middle ear and the brain. I think it’s fair to say the jury is still out. One criticism is that many of the reports that claim cell phone use is not deleterious have been supported by the device manufacturers, which always creates the specter of conflict of interest.

A new study reported in this week’s Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) measured changes in PET scans immediately after subjects used a cell phone for one hour. The results showed and increase in glucose metabolism in brain areas adjacent to where the cell phone was held. Interesting. Because this shows a direct effect that may be due to the electromagnetic radiation from the phone’s antenna. What is not known at this time is whether this effect is good or bad. That remains to be seen and was not clarified by the study. So, until the association is either proven or disproven, it might be wise to use hands-free earphones.

Friday, January 28, 2011

An interesting study was published this week in the British Medical Journal. For years it’s been known that sufferers of migraine headaches show small abnormalities on MRI scans that may indicate small strokes. This new study extends this finding to people who likely have tension-type headaches as well as older individuals. Until now, it was unclear whether such small structural brain lesions impair cognitive function. The findings show that they do not.

The study included 780 older adults (mean age, 69 years). Of these, 163 had a history of severe headache and 116 had migraine, of whom 17 reported aura symptoms. Subjects were given a battery of tests including Mini Mental Status Exam (a brief 30-point questionnaire test that is used to screen for cognitive impairment. It is commonly used in medicine to screen for dementia. It is also used to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment at a given point in time and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, thus making it an effective way to document an individual's response to treatment).

The researchers had MMSE scores for 769 of the 780 subjects. There was no association between overall or specific headache types and impaired cognitive function on the MMSE, regardless of the presence of brain lesions. The researchers note in their report that the battery of cognitive function tests they used yielded similar association patterns, and they chose to report only findings from the MMSE in the current article and will be submitting the full cognitive data in a separate manuscript. Still, this is encouraging news for suffers of migraines and tension headaches.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I’ve not written much in this blog lately, because there wasn’t a great deal of breaking developments to comment on. However, the recent story on the fraud surrounding childhood vaccination is noteworthy.

The British Medical Journal published a series of 3 articles and editorials charging that the study published in The Lancet in 1998 by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues linking the childhood measles-mumps-rubella vaccine to a "new syndrome" of regressive autism and bowel disease was not just bad science but fraud. According to the first article published in BMJ the study's investigators altered and falsified medical records and facts, misrepresented information to families, and treated the 12 children involved unethically. In addition, Mr. Wakefield accepted consultancy fees from lawyers who were building a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers."

Although The Lancet published a retraction of the study last year right after the UK General Medical Council announced that the investigators acted "dishonestly" and irresponsibly," the BMJ editors note that the journal did not go far enough. "The Lancet retraction was prompted by the results from the hearing and was very much based on the concerns about the ethics of the study. What we found was that it was definite fraud and that is a very important thing for the world to know. This article shows that the science was falsified and should be discounted. This evidence "should now close the door on this damaging vaccine scare.

The study of only 12 patients (small, by any standard) faced almost immediate criticism by the scientific community, which only fueled the paranoia of those paranoid about organized medicine. And although the study was never validated, the media hyped it, setting off a panic among parents. As a result vaccinations decreased dramatically. The 2003 to 2004 vaccination rate of 80% has now recovered slightly in the United Kingdom, but it is still well below the recommended 95% level recommended to ensure "herd immunity."